Anawangin Cove, nowadays, is always chosen to be featured in movies, photoshoot commercials, etc. Anawangin Cove is situated in Pundaquit, San Antonio, Zambales. You must take a boat ride for you to reach Anawangin Cove. And during your way to this island, you’ll also have the chance to see Capones Island where their Lighthouse is situated and Camara Island. These 3 islands have 3 different faces as well. Camara Island is very peaceful while Capones is somehow rough and Anawangin is luxurious.

You will surely be amazed what Camara Island, Capones Island and Anawangin Cove can offer! Few had been there for many times already and they had never been tired of visiting this place over and over and over again. 

From what’s always posted on blogs (and other sites), they say that Anawangin Cove is the next Boracay in Luzon. Beautiful scenery, quite place, fresh air, clear water, what else are you looking for to relax?? 

As you explore these 3 islands, you will come up with a realization that we should take care of these wonderful places. No one can ever take good care of it beside the people who goes here. Simple clean up will do... If you stay in Anawangin, make sure you bring your trash along with you.